Our first experience upon entering the Lodge as apprentices
is to be warned about the Goat. Even before we are informed of 'in whom
we should put our trust', we are given knowing looks followed by such comments
as; " he's going to get the goat" or " you are going to ride the goat" or
even "look out for the goat". It is a good thing that we are informed that
we place our trust in God, since some poor unfortunate entered apprentice
could understandably be forgiven for replying; " In the Goat". The origin
of this humorous initiatory jest about the Goat is shrouded by the veils
of time.
Several Older brethren I have conferred with seem to have no idea of where
or when it originated. It could have originally been imported from America
by that practical joker and fellow Mason; Benjamin Franklin. Or, it could
be a unique recent development of post World War II Masonry. Certainly I
can find no references to the Goat or even "riding the Goat" in Mackay's
Masonic Encyclopedia, Duncan's Ritual, Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike or
even FreeMasonry and its Etiquette by William Preston Campbell-Everden.
Even such anti-Masonic writers as Walton Hannah (Darkness Visible and Christian
by Degree) make no reference to it, and it would certainly be something
he would not be loathe to use to slander the Craft. With such sparse reference
sources available we could easily dismiss our Goat as a simple joke, a hangover
from those other fraternities that abound on college and university campuses
across this great nation. In fact a bit of school boy prank amongst pals.
Thus dismissed as a bit of tom-foolery I wouldn't have much of a paper to
present this evening. Yet can we dismiss our ancient friend who has played
such a great role in the myths and legends, of all religions and cultures
of Western Europe?
The Goat dates back to the very earliest primordial memories of Man and
perhaps even used as a joke within the Lodge it would do us well to look
at him as a totem or symbol of the Great Work. In fact if you will bear
with me I think I shall be able to prove to you that, using the training
we are recommended as Fellow Craft Masons, we can find that the humble Goat
too reflects the truth of Masonry "veiled in allegory and illustrated by
The Goat is known to all of us through the ancient science of Astrology
first developed by the Chaldeans, or as they are commonly known; Babylonians.
The Goat symbolizes male fertility, and is known, to even those who peruse
the daily astrology columns of the local newspaper, as representing the
astrological sign of Capricorn; Dec. 22 to January 22. Capricorn is a combination
of both a Goat and and a fish. According to J.E.. Cirlot in his Dictionary
of Symbols; this dual aspect refers to the dual tendencies of life towards
the abyss ( or water) " or chaos of the beginning of time, and " the heights
or mountains " or order and malkuth (the earth) as symbolized by the goat
aspect. In fact the very same Babylonians who gave us this symbol of Capricorn
and the science of Astrology were the first Temple builders, and the goat
for them symbolised the essence of the Temple or Lodge.
An animal usually found climbing in the mountains. Thus from the first ziggurats
to the Temple of Solomon even to later Churches the Goat was seen as symbol
of Man striving to reach God through his building of Temples that represented
mountains. Since in all religions Gods abode is symbolized by mountains.
What a better symbol to attribute to our own striving to understand the
G.A.O.T.U. then a Goat. Here too we find an anagram for Goat. According
to a research monograph on the Dionysian Artificers and Early Masonry edited
by Manly P. Hall, the symbolism of the goat relates to the pre-christian
God Pan, Dionysius. The Goat-God was accepted by the later Greek Mystery
Schools as the symbol of the Temple Builders. In fact the Dionysian Artificers
was such a mystery school. They viewed practical Temple Construction as
a source of understanding the mystery of Nature and God; thus being one
of the early esoteric schools from which Masonry has inherited certain symbols
and teachings. Most specifically this Greek Mystery School developed the
Ionic Column which are introduced to us in the Fellow Craft degree. Once
again this column which acted as the corner stone of Greek Architecture
literally holds up the temple; the very support for the Mountain or home
of God. The Ionic Column is a later development over the Doric, having developed
in the 7th Century B.C., it allowed for more filagree work in its base and
at its top. It is seen as being more feminine than the masculine Doric Column.
The Dionysian Artificers or architects were an association of scientific
men, who were incorporated by command of the Kings of Pergamus into a corporate
body. They had the city of Teas given to them. The members of this association
were intimately connected with the Dionysian mysteries, were distinguished
from the uninitiated inhabitants of Teos by their Science and by words and
signs by which they could recognize their Brethren of the Order.
Like Freemasons they were divided into Lodges which were characterized by
different names. Such is the nature of that association of architects, who
erected those splendid edifices in Ionia, whose ruins even afford us instructions,
while they excite our surprise. If it be possible to prove the identity
of any two societies, from the coincidence of their external forms, we are
authorized to conclude that the Fraternity of Ionian architects and the
Fraternity of Freemasons are exactly the same" says Dr. R. Swineburne Clymer
in his book: Ancient Mystic Oriental Masonry.
Besides representing the Temple or Home of the gods, the goat represents
the active male sexual or fertility aspect of nature. As Capricorn he rules
the returning sun, from the darkness of winter solstice. In the sign of
the Goat/Capricorn the sun begins to resume its ascent towards the spring
Equinox. As well the goat horn is a hallow phallic symbol, represented even
today as the cup of plenty or cornucopia which we see represented in the
Lodge. Says J. E. Cirlot; " In mythology it was the goat Almathea who fed
the infant Jupiter an milk. Given that the general symbolism of the horn
is strength, and that the goat has maternal implications, and in addition
that the shape of the horn (phallic outside and hollow inside) endows it
with complex symbolism (including that of the lingam or symbol of generation)
it is easy to understand its allegorical use as the horn of abundance. Plobb
points out also that the cornucopia is an expression of prosperity deriving
from its association with the Zodiacal sign of Capricorn." The androgenous
symbolism of the horn of plenty is typical of the symbolism of the goat
in general. While the Greek Goat Gods Pan and Dionysius were male, we look
at the goat as an animal in masculine terms while it is both male and female.
The identification of the the male goat in by his beard, since both genders
have horns. The phrase " by my beard, or " he pulled my beard " as well
as the style of beard called a 'goatee' all relate to the goat. The goat-Gods
Pan and Dionysius in Greek mythology represent the forest and unbridled
nature; lust in the case of Pan and Drinking, and fertility in the case
of Dionysius. Hence from the OED we have the term for a lecherous older
man; "you old Goat". Pan is represented as being half human, half goat with
horns, and would later be used in medieval times to represent the devil.
Ironically the horns on the head of Michaelangelo's statue of Moses are
also Goat horns, symbolising not the devil but the power of nature and natures
God; Fiat Lux. For in the bible it states that Moses was beheld by his people
as having two rays of Light springing forth from his head. "Hark! My Beloved!
here he comes, bounding over the mountains, leaping over the hills. My beloved
is like a gazelle or a young wild goat." "My beloved is mine and I am his;
he delights in the lilies. While the day is cool and shadows are dispersing,
turn my beloved, and show yourself a gazelle or a young wild goat on the
hills where cinnamon grows." "How beautiful you are my dearest, how beautiful!
Your eyes behind your veil are like doves, your hair like a flock of goats
streaming down Mount Gilead." The Song of Songs (Which is Solomons). Herein
as well in the Old Testament we find the beautiful love poem which views
the goat as symbolizing nature, and fertility as it did in pre-Christian
times. In the Song of Songs both lovers refer to each other as goats. As
to be expected since the lovers in this poem are a shepherd and shepherdess
herding goats!!! and we have the symbolism of the goats in relationship
to sacred mountains or temples. It is enough to mention that this song is
known as Solomon's who plays such an important role in Freemasonry.
In medieval times clerical knights and military orders made up of priests
during the crusades differentiated themselves from regular knights by riding
upon goats rather than horses. This tradition can be seen in the Knights
Templar who would ride horses but two knights to one horse, thus representing
their clerical origins. Need I relate the most obvious use of the goat known
to all Master Masons? The Scapegoat. An animal who leads the others to slaughter
now commonly used to refer to the unwitting victim of some malice. It is
obvious that the initiate stands in for Hiram Abiff and takes his blows
accordingly. In referring to the goat perhaps we are unconsciously warning
the entered apprentice of his ultimate end in his sojourn through the Degrees.
As I mentioned earlier the Boat and the Goat-God Pan became equated with
the devil in medieval Christianity. But to medieval occultists especially
Rosicrucians the goat symbolized the elemental energies of the earth, the
sign of Saturn and the alchemical element derived therefrom. In the Tarot
it is the Major Arcana card #15 the Devil, who shows a goat headed deity
with a man and women chained to him. The symbolism is that of people who
strive for material rather than spiritual gain. The Goat of Mendes or Baphomet
whom the Templars were accused of worshipping is a Goat Headed deity, being
formed of both male and female principles, with a Caduceus of Mercury for
its phallus. One arm points up and one down , with the latin 'Solve et
Coagula' written on them. This is not the christian devil but a symbol of
the ancient alchemists representing the fact that nature and natures God
is a combination and balance of male and female forces, light and darkness,
moisture and dryness. The very principle of Hermes Trismegitus; As Above
So Below" is what is symbolized by Baphomet. Another Goat headed deity worship
by the ancient pagan Celtic peoples was Cernnunos the horned god of the
Wood. Today in witchcraft covens the goat head is seen to symbolize this
ancient deity. Unfortunately to the those who remain in the dark, these
goat deities are seen as something evil rather than as the symbol of the
earth, fertility, the prima mater, and the first principle. Freemasonry
in its past like its predecessor the Knights Templar have been accused of
being in league with the Devil, being a satanic tool etc. That has arisen
from the fact that FreeMasons by their initiation into the Light have been
eager to research and study the Mystical symbols of the past and present,
without fear or irrational prejudice. In times past of religious persecution
and superstition the Mystical Mason has treaded the path of heresy in search
of the Light of Truth. I hope that this paper has afforded us all a broader
view of meaning and depth of the symbolism of even something as simple as
"our little joke", about the Goat.